Here are some common tasks that you’ll encounter while selling internationally:
Orders to international customers will show up in the Orders tab just like domestic orders do. You can filter this view by clicking on the top-left drop-down menu and selecting “Mayple Fulfillment”
To view exactly what products inventory levels are in Mayple’s warehouse, simply click Products → Inventory and select “Mayple Fulfillment” from the top-left drop-down menu.
Within 1-2 business days, the customer order will be picked and shipped by our Express carrier. Once we have created a shipping label, the tracking link is passed back to the Shopify Order. Estimated delivery date is visible in the Order header.
To see when an order was accepted by Shopify and assigned to Mayple, simply scroll to the bottom of the Order detail page. In this detail, you can also find any exception notes from Mayple in addition to the Return Airway Bill number if needed.
Please refer to the “Setting up your Store” section of the documentation. You can either add a new Market or add an additional country to an existing Market if you’re ok with the selling currency and shipping rules.
When creating new or modifying existing product bundles, be sure to let Mayple know so that we can update our warehouse Order Management System similarly.
In Settings → Markets you can view the conversion rate for each of the Markets that have been enabled.